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Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 11 October 2011

Are you organised?

Or are you someone that likes to just take things as they come?

For me being organised has really assisted me to become more successful in my business. The main reason is because until I was organised I felt I wasn’t putting as much focussed, passionate energy around what I was doing. I was all over the place, doing a bit here and a bit there.

When you are not organised - doing a bit here and a bit there, you really don’t seem to achieve much at all. You never really seem able to focus solely on one thing and finish it to completion.
What does being organised look like for me? It means having everything scheduled into a calendar (or Daily Method of Operation - my DMO,) and then following it consistently. This means I can see at any one time I have to do in the moment or what times I have free coming up in my schedule. It really frees up the stress and worry around what I may have forgotten and what I still have to do. This is powerful and it gives me more time to be completely focused on the task at hand.

I personally use Outlook calendar that I sync with my Gmail Google calendar (so it appears on my Iphone) so my DMO travels around with me. I have even colour coded each thing as well which makes it even easier to see what the next activity is. I even go so far as scheduling time for showering, making dinner, clothes washing, and pretty much everything that I do in my day!

How do you keep yourself organised? What tools do you use to manage it effectively?

Lee Anne BartlettAuthor:Lee Anne BartlettConnect via:TwitterLinkedIn
Tags:Work from Home MumsBusiness General

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