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Posted in Business General


Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 25 October 2011

It is a very big topic at the moment. Many industries now require their employees or professional members to partake in Continuing Education to accrue “CE” points to keep their jobs or licenses... in Australia and around the world.

Continuing Education plays a big part in the continual and growing success of a person and a business.
Whether your Continuing Education is accredited or not, doesn’t really matter; as long as you are growing and learning new things that will assist you in taking yourself, your business or your position to the next level.

What kind of Continuing Education should you look at? I think Personal and Professional Education are the most important. Without them you could do all other manner of education in the world, but unless your mindset is properly developed, it may not get you where you want to go.

Continuing Education can come in the form of DVD’s, CD’s, Seminars or Online Webinars. You can choose any or all! Keep improving your knowledge along with your mindset and the results you will create for yourself will be amazing.

What Continuing Education have you done recently?

Posted in:Personal DevelopmentWork from Home MumsProfessional DevelopmentBusiness General   Comments


Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 18 October 2011

I am very excited today. My site rebranding has been completed. I love getting new things. It is kind of like having a holiday. No more of the mundane, same old same old. Having a fresh new look can give your business the boost you need.

When you have been in business for a little while and have had the same look and feel, been doing the same things, you find that you end up on a treadmill. Doing the same things everyday because they work. But think about this. Imagine increasing your production and increasing your conversions.

Being at the top of your game really does give you the edge over your competitors. People like to deal with people/companies that are established, who are always looking to improve (by either a fresh new look to their brand or a new product or service.)

So have a think about what you could do today to improve your businesses brand!

What have you done lately to “Tweak/Improve” your brand?

Posted in:Work from Home MumsBusiness General   Comments


Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 11 October 2011

Are you organised?

Or are you someone that likes to just take things as they come?

For me being organised has really assisted me to become more successful in my business. The main reason is because until I was organised I felt I wasn’t putting as much focussed, passionate energy around what I was doing. I was all over the place, doing a bit here and a bit there.

When you are not organised - doing a bit here and a bit there, you really don’t seem to achieve much at all. You never really seem able to focus solely on one thing and finish it to completion.
What does being organised look like for me? It means having everything scheduled into a calendar (or Daily Method of Operation - my DMO,) and then following it consistently. This means I can see at any one time I have to do in the moment or what times I have free coming up in my schedule. It really frees up the stress and worry around what I may have forgotten and what I still have to do. This is powerful and it gives me more time to be completely focused on the task at hand.

I personally use Outlook calendar that I sync with my Gmail Google calendar (so it appears on my Iphone) so my DMO travels around with me. I have even colour coded each thing as well which makes it even easier to see what the next activity is. I even go so far as scheduling time for showering, making dinner, clothes washing, and pretty much everything that I do in my day!

How do you keep yourself organised? What tools do you use to manage it effectively?

Posted in:Work from Home MumsBusiness General   Comments


Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 5 October 2011

So what is the difference between having a Coach or a Mentor?

I personally feel that a mentor is someone that you look up to, you ask for advice on things and they are a wonderful role model. They are usually someone that has achieved something you want to achieve and they can help you along the way via friendship, support and ideas.

A Coach is someone who will go through more the detailed nuts and bolts of your ideas and thoughts and give your ideas and guidance and assist you through the whole process.

So how do you know if a Mentor or a Coach is what you need?

You would want a Coach if you want someone to hold your hand and help you through the process. Someone to be accountable to or to bounce ideas around.

A Mentor is more if you want someone to help guide you along the way. Someone whom you can follow their footsteps and learn how they achieved success.

Either way a Coach or a Mentor is a great idea, as having support and guidance on the journey really does help you get there quicker.

Would you prefer to have a Mentor or a Coach? Any why?

Posted in:Work from Home MumsBusiness General   Comments


Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 27 September 2011

Being in business for yourself is never a smooth ride. No one ever had a straight up line road to success. Even though everyone’s journey is completely different, every journey had a bump or a few huge hills along the way.

A lot of people go into business for themselves because they see it as giving them freedom and the lifestyle they have always dreamt of, which in time it can and will. First of all though you have to put the time and effort in to build it up to that stage.

Having been in business myself now for the past 10 years, I have been on many rollercoasters and sometime the rollercoaster has even derailed. The most important thing to keep your business going in the forward direction is to 1. Ask for help if need and 2. Stay focused on the goal. Don’t let small or big obstacles get in your way... they may slow you down, but keep going and leave them behind. I don’t know of one successful person in the world that hasn’t had adversity to overcome before they achieved the goal.

What has been a small or a big obstacle that appeared on your road to success? What did you do to overcome it?

Posted in:Business General   Comments

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